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Hi, I'm Rebekah

I Am A Self Worth Mentor & Wealth Activator

7 Figure Business Strategist | Visionary Activator | Feminine Embodiment Leadership Coach

I support visionary women to create a soul aligned income online leveraging social media, their unique story and the power of personal branding so they can step deeper into their mission to impact the world with unlimited resources and income.


Is to empower women to own their worth, own their wealth and own their voice.

To love their life, engage their spirit & speak their truth from their soul.

To create a powerfully sexy soulful relationship with money.


To lead a movement of inspired women that empowers them to open up their abundant energy thats is their birthright so they can fully step into their greatness as the strong, confident, fun, passionate & successful powerhouse goddesses they were born to be who inspires greatness in other.

Together we grow leaders who are passionate about contributing to the world becoming a more soulfully sexy, heart expansive & loving place.


Sister I see you, I honour you, I am you sister and together we are here to raise the vibration of the planet.

I believe that you can be wealthy, empowered and fully alive as you lead and share your divine story and message with the world

How did I become a top leader in wealth creation and online business in under 5 years….?

Before I started my business and became a laptop lifestyle goddess I was stuck in a 9-5 as a travel agent, although I loved my job and it looked like the dream job. I got paid great money, I travelled the world for free and got to party with some pretty awesome people all over the globe but I was working 50+ hours a week sitting in an office in front of a computer, wearing a uniform, being told what to do, when to eat, what to wear, how to act and feeling trapped. I was burnt out and exhausted.

I am and always have been a gypsy at heart and just wanted to spend my life on adventures experiencing everything life has to offer and this certainly did not feel like what I had imagined. I would feel hopeless, lost and frustrated going and sitting behind a desk for hours every day. Missing out on a social life, making my boss a lot of money, and having to hit high sales targets every month just to make my big commission.....

I started to lose my sparkle and my soul was telling me something had to shift, so I started looking at other options

I was a chef for 10 years and have had a love affair with food since I was a little girl so decided to open my own restaurant, oh ya being my own boss and doing what I wanted. I started planning, saving and getting set to build my dreams but in reality the lifestyle I was about to embark on looked something like this.......

500k worth of debt, working 100 hour weeks, managing staff, not being able to travel for at least 3-5 years, being chained to a kitchen bench, not making a profit for potentially many years, stress of knowing the risk that 50% of all traditional businesses fail in the first year. Is this really what I wanted?

I was a girl with massive dreams, had a heart for contribution and giving back to the world, but how could I help anyone else if I didn't even have time for myself

That's when I was introduced to the amazing business of network marketing.

I honestly started for the products which was an incredible nutrition system and I fell in love with the lifestyle. I started sharing it with everyone I knew because if your like me you just cant help it and share what you love with the people you love!! I realised that this was actually a real profession, that not only was it a great way to make some side income but it was one of the smartest ways to do business in the evolved economy.

I built a 6 figure income pretty quickly hustling hard and developing my skills, was introduced to personal development and I was committed to becoming a leader in the industry.

When I became a professional in the online space I was opened up to a whole new world. I soon discovered that the fastest way to get results in business was having 2 very important things……automation and leverage

Two things I didn’t have in my network marketing business......

After I went through a traumatic experience with the loss of my baby at 12 weeks, the breakup of my relationship all while being extremely sick with a parasite I was exhausted, depressed, depleted and totally spinning out of control feeling like I could hardly breath in every second.

I had hit my rock bottom.

This was the most challenging time in my life yet it was the BEST thing that ever happened to me...

Let me tell you why...

For far to long I had let my inner voice be ignored,

For far to long I had not trusted my soul and her purpose,

For far to long I didn’t ask for what I wanted,

For far to long I didn’t have the courage to fight for my vision,

For far to long I skimmed over my personal growth not allowing myself to go deep within for fear of the darkness,

For far to long I let my heart stay closed desperately trying to keep it safe,

For far to long I was complacent in what I knew I was capable of achieving in my life,

When you feel broken and at rock bottom there is no other option but to FIGHT for your life.

I got very clear on what I wanted my life to look like, and who I wanted to be.

I wanted to be a women who was fierce while stirring people’s soul, who inspired others with her story of determination and courage, who was venerable raw & real, who gave a voice to the voiceless, who lived her life fully leaving nothing on the table, who was of service in a way that truly left this planet better than when she got here.

I knew that my life was good but it wasn’t great and I mean heart expanding, soul stirring, blissfully divine great. I didnt realise this until I went through my situation that was screaming YOUR OUT OF ALIGNMENT.

I was ready to get into full SOUL alignment in every area of my life which started with my business as everything is dictated by how much time and money you have to play with. . I knew that I needed to leverage my time and do something that was going to bring in not just a 6 figure income husstling 24/7 but a 7 figure income with ease and flow……….aligned action and automation is that I was looking for.

I knew I needed to work solely online with no need to pester friends to buy products, no more in home parties, no endless 3 way calls and hours and hours of time spent teaching and training others how to do all the things that make you successful in the industry.

When I opened my eyes to the world of digital marketing and personal branding everything changed for me.

I discovered attraction marketing with a fully automated marketing platform and I knew I had found the perfect fit for my big income goal of a 7 figures business combined with my desire to spend less time working so I could live life on my terms. After spending 4 years in my apprenticeship with network marketing it was time to break free and create true time and financial abundance leveraging the power of the internet, automation and my own unique story.

I discovered attraction marketing with a fully automated marketing platform and I knew I had found the perfect fit for my big income goal of a 7 figures business combined with my desire to spend less time working so I could live life on my terms. After spending 4 years in my apprenticeship with network marketing it was time to break free and create true time and financial abundance leveraging the power of the internet, automation and my own unique story.

We all want to work less & live more and the lifestyle that automating your business brings is true FREEDOM

I created wildly wealthy 90 days to insane abundance where I made more in my first 3 months which was $96k to be exact, that was more than what I made in a full year working in corporate for 50 hours a week and now I teach people from all over the world how to do the same.

My passion in life is empowering women to see their worth and shift their relationship with money.

Owning your worth is the most powerful and heart expanding thing you will ever do for yourself. When you heal your relationship with money by knowing your worth you heal all parts of yourself that are blocking abundance.

As I experience a life where I have built a thriving multiple 7 figure income on automation that for the last 5 years has seen me living in Bali, Australia, San Diego and anywhere there is wifi...... Travelling to gorgeous locations like Hawaii, Thailand, Nepal and Canada at a whim for my clients, for retreats to grow myself spiritually or just to lay on a beach because thats what my soul needs, I am so grateful to have the freedom to choose how I want my life to look everyday.

I get to work with the most high vibe gorgeous divine soul sisters on the planet, I can get on a plane whenever I choose and I inspire thousands of people globally to see its possible for them.

The world needs more wildly empowered wealthy women to step into their divine gifts to make money with soul, heart and grace.

If you want to leap into 6 figures and beyond, with ease and flow while honouring yourself and creating true TIME freedom, then you are in the right place.

I am so passionate about working with those that are willing to think differently, who are open to change and have a burning desire to take control of their lives. I am looking for the rebels and innovators who are ready to create unlimited income and true time freedom.

Where they don't ever have to worry about that $$ sign in front of everything they do.

A life where YOU can make decisions based on your soul not your circumstances...

Trust me when I say if I can do this, anyone can do this...

I have done the corporate thing, I have done the hospitality thing, worked for someone else for a decade and it just didn't fit. 

I have done the Network Marketing thing with low ticket sales and the mad hustle life that it brings and again it just didn't fit.

I found a business where my spirit is my brand and it feels pretty fabulous to be valued just for being me!

I am here to guide more women into alignment of their soul purpose with a business that works around who you are and what you value.


Earn more to give more..... One of my highest values is contribution. 

Attract, allow, give. Rinse and repeat......The cycle of abundance and contribution.

I am so passionate about giving, contribution has always been at the core of my heart. I have spent time in Mexico volunteering in Orphanages and teaching kids about self love in schools in Tanzania and it just fills my heart with pure joy. I have become more and more excited about being able to give in an even BIGGER way and believe that without earning what I do, without striving to earn more – I couldn't contribute like I do, and give what I do. To be able to earn unlimited income on automation ( aka money while you sleep ) seriously to have the finances to support and change lives means that I can fly to Tanzania and spend 2 months giving back and empowering communities to create a real difference & massive impact without having to worry about ME & my bills....... you see once you and your family are taken care of then you can create space where you are able to make changes in the world that you see no one else doing anything about how frickin cool is that!! 

 I just never knew how big the capacity of love in my heart was until I started working with kids teaching them about self love & self discovery, the power of community and believing in yourself......

My desire is to shower as many kids as possible with unconditional LOVE.

I am working on a new project that will be one of the biggest online self development platforms for teens aged 12-18 in the world. I believe that kids from anywhere in the world should be able to get access to this life changing work. Our future depends on the next generation having the courage and passion to change the world so focusing on giving kids from a young age access to self development and emotional intelligence I believe will change the way our society leads, loves & serves.

I am looking for passionate women who are givers, who really want to live an epic life AND give back to this world......

If its orphaned kids, or saving the bears, maybe its putting an end to sex trafficking or saving the environment.... ( all things i'm super passionate btw ) having the finances and time you can give to a cause that your passionate about, thats where the real happiness lies! It's selfish to only think about yourself when you have the power to change the world.

A tribe of badass women all consciously contribution to the good of the planet ohhh ya that excites me! If you want to be part of the earn more to give more tribe then come join us.

I cant wait to collaborate on making magic together and being a voice for the voiceless.

Financial Freedom + Contribution


Soul Abundance

Contribution is a universal language

Get In Touch To See If Working Together Is In Alignment With Your Vision Of Living A Freedom Lifestyle

7 Figure Business Strategist | Visionary Activator | Feminine Embodiment Leadership Coach

 I help women make a SOULFUL legacy income online through embodied leadership, feminine power and a proven business strategy..

Lead trainer in the number 1 marketing & sales educational platform for entrepreneurs.


2021 Rebekah L Femia. All Rights Reserved.

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