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Love Yourself & Honour Your Inner QUEEN

Love Yourself To Wealth

Love yourself first and everything else falls into place.

Self love is a body, mind & soul connection! Its about loving the skin your in & honouring the vessel that you have been blessed with to walk this earth.

Our feelings of unworthiness and ‘not-enough-ness’ stem from our programming, limiting beliefs, unhealed wounding and lack of Self-love. I believe practicing Self-love and Self-connection is a constant process and we continue to learn and grow through this our whole life.

Loving yourself is an art and a practise most of us women have lost touch with. We are so self critical and can fall into self sabotage when we do not honour ourselves. We tend to look for validation in all the wrong places always outside ourselves instead of working on feeling whole and complete as the unique beautiful beings we are and always have been. The most important relationship we will ever work on is the one we have with ourselves.

We spend all our time not feeling good enough, not pretty enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough and the list goes on...

Do you believe you are worthy of having everything you want?

Do you believe you are worthy of not just success, but rest?

Do you believe you are worthy enough to have an abundance of money, so much you don’t ever have to think about money ever again?

Do you believe you’re worthy of a partner who tends to your body with patience and love? With equal pleasure for endless orgasms?

Do you believe you’re worthy of owning the home of your dreams, not just the one you know you can afford but the one you actually want?

Do you believe you’re worthy of creating and living your perfect day—working and playing only with what align fully with your soul?

Do you believe that all of this could actually be easy?

We live in such a disconnected world where we are programmed to believe we are not good enough which means unconsciously we don't believe we deserve to have our desires…..

We are constantly being programmed and condition by our external environment with a narrative that screams.


So we let others dictate what we deserve instead of deciding for ourselves which ultimately means we allow others to determine our worth in this world. 

This causes us to judge others and ultimately ourselves for not being perfect.




“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it. ”

Some of my own rituals and practises that keep me connected to self are tantra, breath work, intuitive eating, setting healthy boundaries, self honouring, goddess day, journalling and DATING MYSELF if I am in a relationship or single I will always hold my sacred self as my top priority.

It's time to put an end to living in pain, struggle, resistance and inner conflict with yourself and lean into loving yourself.

You're worthy, oh so worthy sister.


What is self love….?

Self-love does not mean ‘perfection’. It doesn’t mean getting it right all of the time.


It is about taking the time to know yourself and your behaviours, your wounds, your trauma, your blocks and transforming everything that does not serve you.

It is about sending love to the parts of yourself that you have neglected.

It is about making friends with your shadows and turning your pain into power.

It is about coming back to wholeness and choosing to operate from love.

Are you ready to truly step into your power and operate from love not fear??

If the answer is YES its time to go on the Scared Journey Back To Self.


Dont be surprised if when you start to love on yourself you also get your sexy back, lose weight, supercharge your romance, find a new beau, connect with your healing powers, become a manifesting queen and fall deeply in love with life....... its all ENERGY

Why is self worth so important to making unlimited income….?

You will never out earn what you believe your worth so this is where we start the work on making goddess diva money……….

Now I have the strategy, the vehicle and the blueprint to make it happen my dear so all thats left is YOU making the decision your'e ready to become WILDLY WEALTHY empowered woman.

Raise your worth, raise your wealth, and step into your souls vision.

Your new MANTRA

My vibration is now aligned to make and receive millions with LOVE, EASE AND GRACE. I gently clear all karmic patterns and family conditioning from every cell of my being with LOVE. I release the social conditioning around money and a woman’s right to earn as much money as she desires without shame or guilt.

THANK YOU. And so it is.

Work With Me!

Claim your sacred power to lead, serve and build a legacy of divine wealth and global impact

Never Worry About Money Again



Wouldn’t it be nice…….

Do you feel like its never going to happen and you find yourself struggling to see that this could even be possible?

Your wealth is connected to your worth. Let that sink in for a moment.

I went from working in corporate 50 hours a week sitting in an office booking other peoples travel to earning a residual 6 figure income in network marketing working from my laptop all over the globe while living my life on adventures through Africa, Nepal, Bali, Thailand, America and Australia.

I then went from making 4k a month to 40k a month in under 90 days by focusing on my own inner healing, self worth & money mindset.

Within 2 years I was making $100k a month with absolute ease, flow, grace and sovereignty and had mentored hundreds of other women to do the same. 

When you tap into this belief system you open up space for the right people and vehicle to find you. It happens when you start owning who you are, clearing your money drama and commit to becoming the best version of yourself. If you only knew how truly worthy you are to have the abundance you deserve goddess.

If you want to free yourself from struggle and create real impact, then you must change your relationship with money & own your worth, thats exactly why YOUR here right…?

There are no consequences only opportunities so will this be the day you finally open yourself up to becoming a WILDLY WEALTHY WOMAN?

I am an expert in teaching women how to get paid by sharing their unique story and build a brand using their social media and phone...... I will teach you how to get paid to be YOU!

If your not making money from your phone you don’t have a smart phone…… time to upgrade!

Having wealth creates freedom & choice to make decisions based on your soul not your circumstances....... where you never have to say I don't have the time or I don't have the money, this is TRUE freedom where your life is completely yours!!

We were not born to survive we were put on this earth to THRIVE.

Freedom to choose.

Freedom to work from anywhere in the world.

Freedom to say yes to anything and ONLY what your heart desires.

I am the woman that will pour that whole got believe in myself warrior QUEEN take on the world type vibe into you.

I love teaching other epic soulful women how to shift into abundance quickly because the only thing standing in the way of the life you have and the life you want is believing your worthy of it, changing your relationship with money & finding a vehicle to create it with ease.......


Upgrade your Money Blueprint


How is your relationship with money?

Do you nourish it, cherish it, spend time with it, tell it that you love it and are grateful for it being around?

It’s like any other relationship in your life, if you want a great relationship, and have an abundance of it you need to begin to treat it with love and respect. It wasn’t until I changed my own inner blueprint and shifted into an abundance vibration I started to see my income skyrocket.

If you have a big vision to impact and do amazing things in this world it’s disrespectful for you to not create the money that is available to you & bring your vision to life. It’s disrespectful for you not to heal the world because of your own limiting story about what money is and what it means.

It is and means whatever you choose.

I believe money is beautiful, I believe money is healing, I believe money is magic, I believe money is spontaneous, I believe money is nurturing, I believe money is loving, I believe money is powerful, I believe money is expansive, I believe money is fun……..

What do you believe about money??

What story have you created that has you earning exactly what you have chosen to earn right now? The money you are earning is a choice?

Changing your story around money will change the energy from which you create it & also how you use it to serve.

I teach women exactly how I 10x my income from 10K months to 100k months......

I wanted to make the most amount of money, working the least amount of hours while making the most amount of impact in the world.

And I found the missing link that many are not talking about to do that. 

Your relationship with money and a vehicle that supports this new belief system that money is unlimited and its our birthright to claim it.

Money is at the core of it just energy, a beautiful energy that wants to play with you if you will allow yourself to receive it. Most people do not allow themselves to receive because they don’t feel worthy.

Money is a way to serve at a higher level..... ourselves, our families and the impact we are destined to make in the world and goddess no one is being serve by you playing small and staying broke.

I believe you are capable of so much more so let me show you just how worthy you are divine woman.

Women are born leaders. And to step into your powerful leadership, you need to shift your relationship with money. Money has epic healing powers when it is used to inspire positive change.

Money with soul is one of the most healing commodities on the planet. 


Here Are Some Paths We Can Take Together...

If your ready to set up your own online freedom business to make more MONEY with SOUL online with a proven blueprint for success then this one on one mentorship is for you.

Wildly Wealthy Business Mentorship


FREE for a limited time

Want to make more money with SOUL?

MONEY MONEY MONEY...... let’s talk about the money honey!


Here is the thing I want you to understand...... You will never out earn what you believe you deserve.


So if now is YOUR time to recreate a new story around money your in the right place!

Are you ready to truly build a loving, divine and soulful relationship with money?

To be able to call in an abundance of money first we must create a new relationship with it!

In this money mastery membership you will enjoy some of my training along with some of my top tips that helped me create my own loving relationship with money.

One that allowed me to go from making 5k a month hustling hard 24/7 to making 100k months with ease and flow in full alignment of my goddess power, my truth and self care in less than 12 months.

You can read more about my full story in my about me section here on my website.

Hours of Videos, upgrade activations and endless value so you can start to shift your money story and be paid what your worth!


Rebekah L Femia is one fierce leader - she has co-created a collective of self responsible, driven, solution-focused and confident female leaders who know their worth, set strong boundaries and lead from the heart. Rebekah has been an integral part of my own success and journey as an online entrepreneur and leader - so much of what and how I teach and lead, can be drawn back to this woman. Rebekah leads from the heart, tells you what you need to hear for your growth, not what you want to hear from ego, and calls you forward to lead and create from your highest potential. She is a not only a powerful leader herself, but a powerful leader creator! I adore this woman, have so much gratitude for her and working with her has collapsed the time it would have taken from me to get from where I was three years ago, to where I am today.


Over the last 3 years I’ve had the opportunity to be mentored by Rebekah and this has been life changing for both my business and life in general. Rebekah’s mentoring powerfully lead me on a journey of self discovery and balance within my life that I was craving. Through this, the financial results and growth in my business far exceeded any expectations I had. My income tripled, my growth exploded & both business & life flourished! All because Rebekah’s mentoring focus was always to help me grow my own self worth and to believe in myself. Rebekah leads by example and she has a powerful gift in being able to guide and direct you truthfully whilst inviting you to step forward, allowing you to reach your potential that you know is within you bursting to come out and play. I know I’ve put in the work to get to the amazing place I am today, but this honestly was not possible without Rebekah’s guidance & leadership. She constantly inspired me with her own growth & dedication, the work she invites you to do and reflect upon is absolutely life changing. Because she has walked this path before me, she knows the way, she knows the road blocks that can come up and she knows how to guide you powerfully to the success you’re looking to create in your own life. Grab this opportunity with both hands to be mentored by Rebekah and watch your life absolutely transform, every area of your life will flourish brighter in working with Rebekah.


THANK YOU you have shown me how to truly change my life Sister. From the minute we spoke I felt a knowingness that big things were about to happen, you saw me in a way I’d never been seen and led me to a space that has transformed every part of my world. Because of your courage and leadership I’ve had the courage to make huge decisions around business, money and life. When we met I was a single mum, bankrupt and broken, I’d tried so many ways to create a life for myself and my daughter and felt so alone. You have been so much more than a mentor, you’ve been a friend and family to my daughter and I. Showing me how to grow my abundance and shift my beliefs around money, love myself more and more, step into my feminine embodiment and truly live my life from my fullest potential. I’m so grateful for all you be, you’ve changed my life and my daughters life through the women you’ve shown me how to become xx


Life Changing Freedom

Join me and thousands of others in my freedom movement in learning the leveraged automated marketing method & fast track yourself to high profit income online…..

Clint & Kristies Journey To Freedom

Back in September 2017 Kristie and I really launched our business. 

We were sick of being broke business coaches trying to make it in a tough world of a lot of other business coaches trying to do the same. After an event in Vancouver last August Kristie and I put everything on the line, even though we where broke and trekked over to the other side of the world for an event.

An event that changed our life forever.

Regular people with no previous marketing, sales or experience doing 6, and 7 figures within their first 12 months. In only 12 months. Those results are normally unheard of... Most people Never make it online!

Super inspired we created and modelled this platform and launched it here in Oz, and NZ 🙂 

7 months later we have created a culture where doing 5 figure and beyond months within their first few months online is the ‘normal’ which is awesome!

We went from being:

> Broke 12 months ago to a 7 figure earner 

> Not being able to afford rent to living in a penthouse and travelling the world 

> Feeling alone on this journey to having a tribe and community of people that also choose to live a fuck yes life 

> Being stressed, missing important occasions due to no time to now doing what we want / when we want 

> Wanting so badly to creating our vision to now standing on stage in front of 500 people sharing our story. 

> Afraid of what others think of us to now not giving a fuck 

However what really excites us is that we have 1000 people and growing by the hundreds who constantly feed their mind. They chose to create their reality. They work on themselves just as much as their business. And they grow, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. They give back and always willing to help each other.Super grateful for every one of our team, we’ll never really know the impact we are making but we know it’s huge and it will continue to grow! We are just getting warmed up.ere

Angela's Journey To Freedom

“Life has changed dramatically since this business...

I was super time poor before... living dollar to dollar.

I would stand at petrol bowser, knowing I had exactly $17 in my account and carefully watch the gauge go up to get exactly $17 on the dot of petrol. I had to choose between my daughter doing swimming or gymnastics, because we couldn’t afford to allow her to do both.

Although I had a network marketing income and a full-time job income, I needed to boost my income IMMEDIATELY to change our circumstances – as a single mum of four, I didn’t have five years to wait. I needed instant success, something that was flexible and could be done from anywhere and was really, truly time leveraged.

I was juggling building a network marketing business with full time jobs because you are told ‘it’s a five year plan to build a residual income’, but had no time for family. I’ve worked in real estate where the up-front commission was huge, but I was a slave to the office and weekend work.

The change has been incredible – like nothing I could have ever imagined.

Now, I have a complete lack of financial stress and an abundance of choice, ease and flow. I am able to live a life filled with CHOICE.

I decided to go to Bali next month, so I booked my now partner to come with me and hired a nanny for the kids, because I can!

I put in petrol when it’s still half full, not when I’m about to break down on the side of the road. If I don’t feel like cooking, we go out as a family of six to the local surf club and don’t think twice about the cost. I now work from a café across from the beach and with less hours than any profession or online business I’ve had before. This business is like colour by numbers, it is simple and step by step, but you still need to sharpen your pencil.

I come from a background of small business but have never seen any business you can step into today and earn a shitload by the end of the week..!

I still support network marketing for what it gave me but this opportunity changed the game completely by having an automated system – doing the coaching, support, training and sales for me, giving me more time to build my income. Another game changer was the compensation plan and how lucrative it is – it applies itself to the work YOU do – you are in control. If I want to make $20k this month, I know what I need to do to make it.

I needed to boost my immediate income and change my circumstances – so this well and truly did it."

If you nodded, or your guts turned, or you teared up reading this, we've got your solution.

Linda's Journey To Freedom

A coach and an ex-network marketer who was struggling to pay her bills, to now traveling the world and living life on her terms. “Online automation is one of the biggest gifts I have ever said yes to”.

I got so tired of the traditional network marketing hustle. For 4 years I took consistent action while also building my coaching business. I felt like I was getting no-where apart from deeper into my financial rut, shame and embarrassment.

Today - although I am extremely grateful for the success I have had in my coaching business so far, I also know and understand the importance of multiple streams of income. We should never solely rely on one source of income, that is just risky business!

After pursuing NWM as a 'side hustle' for years, I sent a prayer out to the universe...

- I wish there was something lucrative that generated incredible income with minimal time invested. Something that allowed me to stay focused on MY dream!

So for 6 months I watched some of my friends talk about an automated online affiliate platform. Soon they had most of our entrepreneur community interested and converted, and I knew there was something here for me to look at too.

They were having multiple 5 figure and 6 figure months online……..

... FROM AN ONLINE, AUTOMATED PLATFORM. Yes, a huge part of the work is done for you! 🌟

The penny dropped when I saw the results they had, and I knew all of my friends above had exactly the same frustrations about Network Marketing as I did.

I KNEW I HAD TO BE ONBOARD.My inner nudge kept doing somersaults until I listened. And I also knew that I would be able to help so many more people by being involved with a system like this. Because let's face it - so many people need more money and collectively we are only getting busier by the day!

Generating income doesn't have to be hard.And building you purpose based dream doesn't have to be financially stressful.

Get In Touch To See If Working Together Is In Alignment With Your Vision Of Living A Life Of Freedom.

7 Figure Business Strategist | Visionary Activator| Feminine Embodiment Leadership Coach

 I help women make a SOULFUL legacy income online through embodied leadership, feminine power and a proven business strategy..

Lead trainer in the number 1 marketing & sales educational platform for heart centred entrepreneurs.


2021 Rebekah L Femia. All Rights Reserved.

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