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You deserve a life that you absolutely freakin' LOVE!

REALIGN and REDESIGN your life your way.

Claim your QUEENDOM, embody your TRUTH, access your inner WISDOM and learn how to RECEIVE abundance with an OPEN HEART and GRATEFUL SOUL

Life this way is your sacred divine birthright SISTAR.

I did, and now I show women just like you, HOW...

I Am a Self Worth Mentor and Wealth Activator

My passion in life is empowering women to see their worth and shift their relationship with money.

Owning your worth is the most powerful and heart expanding thing you will ever do for yourself. When you heal your relationship with money by knowing you're worthy you heal all parts of yourself that are blocking the abundance that is your birthright.


Is to empower women to own their worth, claim their wealth and speak their truth. To love their life, engage their spirit, live authentically in their fullest expression and own their QUEENDOM unapologetically. .


To lead a movement of inspired women that empowers them to access their innate feminine wisdom and intuition so they can activate their divine abundance codes. Which allows them to fully step into their greatness as the strong, confident, fun, passionate & successful powerhouse goddesses they were born to be who inspires this greatness in others. Together we grow leaders who are passionate about contributing to the world becoming a more soulfully sexy, heart expansive & loving place. 


I am here to empower you in claiming your sacred expression to lead, serve and build a legacy of divine wealth and global impact.

My intention for you is to take you from where you are now to where you want to be in life, love, finances, health and happiness.

We need more fully expressed activated wealthy and aligned, visionary women in the world.

Are YOU ready to be one of them?

Let me shine a light on your gifts, help you remember how powerful you really are and empower you to become the best version of yourself.

Working with me will give you an opportunity to change your current situation in less than 90 days.

Wildly wealthy 90 days to insane abundance is your blueprint for a HELL YES life.

Ready to take the next step?


Its time to love yourself and honour your inner QUEEN...

I believe to rapidly expand and grow yourself and your income you need deep healing and emotional clearing. We will work on crushing those toxic limiting beliefs holding you back, break free from self sabotage cycles and release your addiction to sacrifice in order to build a rich, nourishing life and business. 

I believe you can let go of the shame and guilt of being wealthy right now.

I believe it is in your highest purpose to be powerful and successful.

I believe that your gift to the world starts with owning who you are.

I believe that when you fully rock your wonder woman superpowers, you’ll launch into magic and be able to make unlimited soulful INCOME.

Just by being YOU and living in your fullest expression, life will simply flower open right before you. 

This level of empowerment releases everything that no longer serves you from our ancestral, energetic, mental, emotional and physically felid naturally.

Let’s do this, goddess.

Everything you desire is waiting for you to claim it.

If you are feeling a YES to all of this and I am speaking to your soul then you have been guided to the right place soul SISTER, so reach out - because I want you to know that you're truly worthy of having it all and I will show you how to claim it. 

Work with me on becoming an energetic match for six figure months,

Rebekah L Femia is one fierce leader - she has co-created a collective of self responsible, driven, solution-focused and confident female leaders who know their worth, set strong boundaries and lead from the heart. Rebekah has been an integral part of my own success and journey as an online entrepreneur and leader - so much of what and how I teach and lead, can be drawn back to this woman. Rebekah leads from the heart, tells you what you need to hear for your growth, not what you want to hear from ego, and calls you forward to lead and create from your highest potential. She is a not only a powerful leader herself, but a powerful leader creator! I adore this woman, have so much gratitude for her and working with her has collapsed the time it would have taken from me to get from where I was three years ago, to where I am today.


Over the last 3 years I’ve had the opportunity to be mentored by Rebekah and this has been life changing for both my business and life in general. Rebekah’s mentoring powerfully lead me on a journey of self discovery and balance within my life that I was craving. Through this, the financial results and growth in my business far exceeded any expectations I had. My income tripled, my growth exploded & both business & life flourished! All because Rebekah’s mentoring focus was always to help me grow my own self worth and to believe in myself. Rebekah leads by example and she has a powerful gift in being able to guide and direct you truthfully whilst inviting you to step forward, allowing you to reach your potential that you know is within you bursting to come out and play. I know I’ve put in the work to get to the amazing place I am today, but this honestly was not possible without Rebekah’s guidance & leadership. She constantly inspired me with her own growth & dedication, the work she invites you to do and reflect upon is absolutely life changing. Because she has walked this path before me, she knows the way, she knows the road blocks that can come up and she knows how to guide you powerfully to the success you’re looking to create in your own life. Grab this opportunity with both hands to be mentored by Rebekah and watch your life absolutely transform, every area of your life will flourish brighter in working with Rebekah.


THANK YOU you have shown me how to truly change my life Sister. From the minute we spoke I felt a knowingness that big things were about to happen, you saw me in a way I’d never been seen and led me to a space that has transformed every part of my world. Because of your courage and leadership I’ve had the courage to make huge decisions around business, money and life. When we met I was a single mum, bankrupt and broken, I’d tried so many ways to create a life for myself and my daughter and felt so alone. You have been so much more than a mentor, you’ve been a friend and family to my daughter and I. Showing me how to grow my abundance and shift my beliefs around money, love myself more and more, step into my feminine embodiment and truly live my life from my fullest potential. I’m so grateful for all you be, you’ve changed my life and my daughters life through the women you’ve shown me how to become xx



Sign up with your email address to access my wildly wealthy business 3 day mastermind and learn exactly how I have created my 7 figure empire.

Get In Touch To See If Working Together Is In Alignment With Your Vision Of Living A Life of Freedom.

7 Figure Business Strategist | Visionary Activator | Feminine Embodiment Leadership Coach

 I help women make a SOULFUL legacy income online through embodied leadership, feminine power and a proven business strategy.

Founder of the number 1 marketing & sales educational platform for entrepreneurs.


2021 Rebeka L Femia. All Rights Reserved.

Designed By Inspired Impact